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1.Home | Diabetes diabetes.diabetesjournals.org The annual Diabetes Symposium will again be held in conjunction with ADA's Scientific Sessions, in New Orleans, LA, on 12 June 2016. Authors of selected articles will ... www.diabetes.org Their mission is to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by this disease. [English and Spanish] Learn all about type 1 and type 2 diabetes with our guide to symptoms, causes, treatments, food planning and more www.webmd.com/diabetes/default.htm Diabetes is a life-long disease that affects the way your body handles glucose, a kind of sugar, in your blood. Most people with the condition have type 2. May 03, 2016 · Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to control blood sugar. Diabetes can be caused by too little insulin, resistance to insulin, or both.
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